«Aubes» (2003)
TONIA SCHILLING COMPANY, stage performance
(Solo and group versions)
«Mountains and sea
and the earth dance.
The world of man laughing
and crying.»
In «Aubes», a person crosses through the different stages of life, trying to understand their own existence. During this quest, the individual gives into urgency, carried by their environment and the people surrounding them; life becomes a long initiation and healing ritual.
Idea, concept and artistic direction: Tonia Schilling
Choreography: Tonia Schilling et Nago Koité
Dance: Tonia Schilling, Nago Koité, Tidiane Diallo
Music: Pape Sambe, Abdou Sambe (percussion), Rahel Schweyer (cello)
Photography: Franceso Ragusa, Eberhart Fink
Video: dansecréations
Duration: solo 20 min I groupe 50 min
Performance by: Festival der Kulturen, 2004, Rheinfelden/Switzerland I Minibühne, 2003, Biel/Switzerland I Aula St. Michel, 2003, Fribourg/Switzerland I Espace Moncor, 2003, Villars-sur-Glâne/Switzerland
With the support: Etat de Fribourg, Canton de Berne, Ville de Fribourg, Ville de Bienne, Fonds culturel Sud