«Beyond the Haze» (2009)
fodac Company, stage and street performance, and short film
(Training program Company)
Like roots which come
from nothingness, bodies arise,
take form, grow, live...
A stage production referring in the end to an evolution that could seem strange or even hostile to human existence, short films explore a subject in a deeper way, confronting takes in a natural environment to the modern setting of a cold underground car park or shelters. Then it brings a new dimension and the short film becomes a second work by itself.
Idea, concept and artistic direction: Tonia Schilling
Short film: Lydia Giroud
Choreography: Tonia Schilling and the dancers
Dance: Manon Engel, Regula Lehner, Céline Leuenberger, Bianca Mathe, Franziska Schacher
Music: «The Roof Of The World», Gomer Edwin Evans
Sound composition: Matthias von Imhoff
Photography: Cristiane Duss
Video: Lydia Giroud
Duration: performance 15 min I short film 8 min
Performance by: Festival «Septembre en folie», Espace Danse, 2012, Fribourg/Switzerland I Fête de la danse, 2010, Fribourg/Switzerland I Espace Danse, 2009, Fribourg/Switzerland I Borromäum Kleinkunstbühne, 2009, Basel/Switzerland I Action Danse, 2009, Fribourg/Switzerland
With the support of: Loterie Romande, Lutz Architectes